Urban Alliance Detroit Celebrates Brown v. Board of Education

Urban Alliance Detroit and our partners at Detroit Edison Public School Academy took 25 11th graders on a field trip to celebrate the 70th year anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education on May 22.

The Brown v. Board of Education decision declared white and black students could not be forced to attend separate schools, even if those schools were allegedly equal in quality.

Two law firms, Detroit Mercy Law and Collins, Einhorn and Farrell, partnered to celebrate the 70th year anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. The goal of this event was to share the impact of the landmark decision, allow students to begin thinking about their social justice values and how that can influence the decisions they make, and provide an opportunity for them to envision themselves as lawyers.  

The day included hearing from the first Black female partner at Collins, Einhorn and Farrell, a guest lecture to discuss Brown v. Board, and participating in the  “what’s my social justice” workshop.